Contact Us

Geetha Iyer

Geetha Iyer

Geetha Iyer
Consultant-Science and Environment education
II/49, Teppakulam street,
Suchindrum -629704
Kanyakumari dist., Tamil Nadu.

Email : [email protected]

7 comments to Contact Us

  • Satya Prakash Mehra

    Respected Mam,

    I visited the site and found it very informative for not only students but also the basic learners of special groups of organisms.

    We are running NGO (Rajputana Society of Natural History) in Rajasthan with prime focus on Nature Conservation and Environment Protection. Motto of RSNH is “Save Nature, Nurture Future”. Target groups are youth and women from rural/ deprived section of community.

    We are in process of developing short courses on the different groups of animals for the tribal and rural youth from Rajasthan in Hindi.

    I would like to know how we could take your help in this regard.

    Looking forward for your kind response.


    Satya Prakash Mehra
    Advisor – RSNH & Manager – Project Boond
    Mo: 09414165690

  • Balamohan R

    Respected Madam,
    I had a chance to view your web site.Really it is very informative on Biology.Thank you for service mind.Best wishes to you.Keep in touch with me.
    Balamohan R
    Email: [email protected]

  • mahesh

    am a class 12 student from chennai i want to volunteer in
    snake park chennai during my holidays whom to contact and where to ask please help me
    thanking you

  • Shafali Lendhay

    Dear Mrs Geetha Iyer,

    I am Biology teacher teaching in an ICSE school in Goa.I recently came across the magazine Teachers Plus where I was exposed to several websites that could guide teachers in teaching this facinating subject to their pupils.I happened to browse through your website and was extremely pleased with the lesson plans/project ideas that you have suggested.

    I had some quarries regarding the subject which I wanted to share with you.Hope you can clear my doubts regarding this subject.

    My school has introduced Biology to students from class 6.There are around 45 students in each class that I teach.Besides we have exams and a set syllabus that we complete in a year.We mostly teach the content from the text and tend to question students from the text.It would be nice if your website could give us some more lesson plans that Biology touches students in class 6 to 8.Your lesson on Molluscs is designed for around 1 1/2 hour that is around 3 teaching periods,but in my class 6 we have to teach the entire classification of animlas to the students in about two weeks.Is it possible to do so in the manner your lesson has been designed?Do share your experiences of teaching Biology to classes 6 to 8.I would greatly appreciate your efforts to guide teachers who would like to teach their pupils in an project metho instead of lecturing method.


  • admin

    Dear Mr Mehra
    I have not been accessing this website for sometime now and hence missed your mail completely. Is it too late for ny help. I would love to be involved in these short courses. If i can still be of use please email me at [email protected]
    best wishes
    Geetha Iyer

  • admin

    Dear Mahesh
    I have not been accessing this website for sometime now and hence missed your mail completely.Sorry. but just go upto the office at Snake Park and ask to see the director of the park and he will help you out. alternately contact any of the Madras nturalist society memeber (look up the net for their contact details and they would help you. hope this helps

  • admin

    Dear Shefali

    I have not been accessing this website for sometime now and hence missed your mail completely.Give me the topics and I shall put up a few lessons for you. contact me at [email protected] with the info

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