Class Insecta of Phylum Arthropoda has undergone and continues to undergo changes in its classification. Here is an alphabetical list of insect orders in current usage with examples of insects types:
1. Blattodea Cockroaches
2. Coleoptera Beetles
3. Collembola Springtails
4. Dermaptera Earwigs
5. Diplura Diplurans
6. Diptera Flies
7. Embioptera Web spinners
8. Ephemeroptera Mayflies
9. Grylloblattodea Rock crawlers
10. Hemiptera Bugs, cicada, hoppers and scale insects
11. Hymenoptera Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies
12. Isoptera Termites
13. Lepidoptera Butterflies and moths
14. Mantodea Preying mantis
15. Mantophasmatodea
16. Mallophaga Biting lice and bird lice
17. Mecoptera Scorpion flies
18. Neuroptera Lacewings, alderflies, snakeflies and antlions
19. Odonata Dragonflies and damselflies
20. Orthoptera Grasshoppers, locusts and crickets
21. Phasmatodea Stick and leaf insects
22. Plecoptera Stoneflies
23. Protura Proturans
24. Psocoptera Booklice
25. Siphonaptera Fleas
26. Siphunculata Sucking lice
27. Strepsiptera Stylopids
28. Thysanoptera Thrips
29. Thysanura Bristletails and silverfish
30. Trichoptera Caddis flies
31. Zoraptera Zorapterans
Lepidopterans are known to the layman as butterflies and moths. Here are some images of moths.
is there any example of insect that belongs to order Mantophasmatodea? and does snakefly really belong to order neuroptera or is it one with order raphidoptera? any images? thank you…
My sincere gratitude for this page. My beloved wife teaches Biology in a Secondary Chool and this findings are going to greatly enhance her work.
Thank you
pics of all orders should be given
blatodea is no more a separate roder cockroaches are included in order orthoptera
thank you for help my study
it is a very good website and it provide a comprehensive data and needy to everyone we really appreciate and this should be developed